Signature Handheld Bouquet


A lovely Handheld Bouquet to add the perfect finishing touch to any outfit. Our stunning signature bouquets are available in our most popular color combinations. We start with shades of white and cream with greenery. If you would prefer a pop of color, select one of our signature bouquets with touches of your preferred color in the drop down. The last photo shows examples of the color options.
Each bouquet will be designed with fresh flowers and wrapped with a coordinating ribbon color. Please let us know the dress color in the notes section when adding to your basket.

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Questions about ordering? We’ve got you covered HERE. If you’re just not sure what would work best, our Designer’s Choice option is for you! Simply select “Designer’s Choice” in the colors drop down and provide us with the dress color. Our talented staff will create something that will look beautiful with the dress in some of our favorite seasonal flowers.

We will do our best to accommodate your special request, however specific colors or products are subject to availability. We will use our professional judgment when necessary to select appropriate substitutions to best achieve the desired style.

If you would like to speak with a designer about your special request, give us a call at 412-367-5810 during business hours, or leave a note on your order that you’d like us to call you.

If you would like to send attire photos, please respond to your order confirmation email with the photos.

  • Delivery is available Tuesday-Friday, except the following holidays when our studio is closed: New Years Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, New Years Eve.

    For same day delivery, please call the studio at 412-367-5810 prior to 1:00pm EST to ensure availability. Otherwise, all orders will be scheduled for the next delivery day unless otherwise noted. 48 hours notice is always appreciated!

    Delivery times are between 10:00 am and 4:30 pm EST.

    We will do our best to accommodate deliveries at specific times of day, but we cannot guarantee it.

    The Blue Daisy Floral Designs may choose to call the recipient to confirm their ability to receive the delivery and/or confirm addresses or delivery instructions. Should the purchaser NOT want The Blue Daisy Floral Designs to call ahead, please notify us in the order notes.

    The Blue Daisy Floral Designs is not responsible for deliveries not received for any reason, product damage caused by weather, or theft of product left at a delivery location.

    The safety of our drivers is of utmost importance. Should they feel unsafe for any reason during a delivery, they may use their best judgment to remove themselves from the situation with or without completing the delivery. The sender will be contacted upon return to the shop and an alternative plan will be made.

    Pick up

    Pick up is available Tuesday-Friday, except the following holidays when our studio is closed: New Years Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, New Years Eve.

    For same day pick up, please call the studio at 412-367-5810 prior to 1:00pm EST to ensure availability. All orders will be available the next day unless otherwise noted. 48 hours notice is always appreciated!

    Pick up times are between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm EST Tuesday-Friday.

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Custom Handheld Bouquet